Humo Negro Apps

Detector de Edad prank 1.0
Humo Negro
Detector de Edad es un escáner de altatecnología altamente desarrollada de huella digital que trata dedeterminar la edad que se basan en la exploración huella delpulgar.Simplemente coloque su pulgar en la plataforma de escaneo,espere a que el análisis y cálculo para terminar, y ver lo que laaplicación cree su edad!Las características incluyen:- Opciones de respuesta personalizados para jugar bromas a tusamigos- In-App opciones para compartir para compartir la diversióndetección con tus amigos en Google Plus o Facebook!- Una broma impresionante! Engañar a sus vecinos y amigos en elpensamiento de su teléfono puede detectar su edad mediante unanálisis huella del pulgar!Además, puedes compartir los resultados de tu exploración contus amigos en sus redes sociales favoritas! Sólo tiene que pulsarsobre el icono de compartir en la parte superior de la pantalladespués de su exploración para compartir los resultados de suanálisis de huellas dactilares con tus amigos en Facebook, Twitter,Google Plus, o cualquier otra aplicación de redes sociales se hainstalado!Broma Detector de Edad es para fines de entretenimiento, y enrealidad no escanear tu huella digital de verdad. Eso seríaimposible. La pantalla de su teléfono no tiene esa capacidad. Siguesiendo un gran mordaza para fiestas o para impresionar a las chicasen el club!Age Detector is ahigh-tech scanner highly developed fingerprint trying to determinethe age based on the fingerprint scan the thumb. Simply place your thumb on the scanning platform, wait forthe analysis and calculation to complete, and see what theapplication thinks his age!Features include:- Customized response options to play pranks on friends- In-app sharing options to share the fun with friends in detectionGoogle Plus or Facebook!- Awesome A joke! Deceive their neighbors and friends into thinkingyour phone can detect your age by footprint analysis thumb!Also, you can share the results of your scan with your friendson your favorite social networks! Just click on the sharing icon atthe top of after scanning the screen to share the results of itsanalysis of fingerprints with your friends on Facebook, Twitter,Google Plus, or any other application of social networks has Iinstalled!Age joke detector is for entertainment purposes and does notactually scan your fingerprint truth. That would be impossible. Thedisplay of your phone does not have that capacity. Still a greatgag for parties or to impress the girls in the club!
Mobile Battery Power 1.0
Humo Negro
don't worry i have solution ?with this wonderful app you can save life your battery. It's FREEin market, just download and install it in your phone.Mobile Battery Power :) its like a Battery Doctor saver 2015 Prowith beautiful theme for your eyes, is an energy saver that canprolong the battery life up to 50% by finding applications andenergy settings on your device.. believe me you need to tryit.Mobile Battery Power are free apps that help save battery power forAndroid systems. It can help you save battery power at the touch ofa button. With its many features, including power consumptionranking, memory scrubbing and background task shut-down, you caneasily change the battery saving mode and extend battery life.Join150 million users on Android and iOS who have seen the benefits!Show Stats battery easily (details as temperature, voltage,technology, health and usage). See the percentage of remainingbattery in your status bar, and easily optimize your device whenneeded.Just click on the "maximize" button to optimize the battery fast.Conserving battery power is achieved by erasing the RAM memory.Please keep in mind that the time of the bore battery isevaluated.Battery Doctor PRO 2016 is Battery Saver a simple and elegantapplication that will help you follow the current batterypercentage on your Android device, such as battery savertools.With Battery Saver, every time and everywhere you will know if yourbattery has enough to play a game, a movie, or to browse theweb.The battery is user interface as simple as possible, butextremely convenient.** Main characteristics **⦁ - Turn off unnecessary applications that empty yourbattery!⦁ - Brightness control!⦁ - Processor Management (Mobile Rootes)!⦁ - Battery temperature!⦁ - Tips for recharging!⦁ - Easy to use interface!⦁ - Task Killer kills tasks with a single click!⦁ - Stop applications when the screen is off!⦁ - Precise remaining battery time!⦁ - Recharge time remaining accurate!⦁ - Planning the power saving mode for work / class / during sleepand more!⦁ - Single recharge system in 3 steps!⦁ - Wifi on / data / Bluetooth!⦁ and More*** CHARACTERISTICS ***⦁ - Battery Saver is incredibly light!⦁ - Additional information on the battery temperature, voltage,health.⦁ - Task Killer kills tasks with a single click!⦁ - Schedule power saving modes for work / class / sleep andmore!⦁ - Displays battery information in percent (%).⦁ - Turn off unneeded applications that drain your battery!what are you waiting for ! download it now It's FREE InMarketEnjoy battery 2016 it's super power for your power Free for Your Phone Android.and i hope to love it
Animal Face Photo 1.0
Humo Negro
This app is made for all the people outtherewho have a bit of a... wild side.Animal Face Photography is a photo editor specifically madeforthose moments where you need to let your inner animal out.Included are a handpicked selection of real animal stickerstoplace over your photos, custom hand drawn frames invariousdifferent styles, and finally a nice selection of filterstobasically make unlimited possibilities for creativity.Thanks to all my friends in hero herogroup, we hope youenjoyit!What´s your Spirit Animal?!Show us by hashtagging your photos on instagramwith#animalfacephotography and shout us outMuch love from Easy Tiger
chistes mil 1.1
Humo Negro
Haz reír a la gente y hacer lasmejoresbromas!Make people laugh andmakethe best jokes!
40 Hadith Imán An-nawawi 1.0
Humo Negro
Bismi allah al-rahman al-rahim wa al-salatwaal-salam ala achrafi al-morsalin sayeduna Mohammad salaaallahalaihi wa salaam.Queridos hermanos y hermanas, bienvenidos a la Bismiallahal-rahman al-rahim wa al-salat wa al-salam ala achrafial-morsalinsayeduna Mohammad salaa allah alaihi wa salaam.Queridos hermanos y hermanas, bienvenidos a la aplicaciónde“Cuarenta hadices del Imán an-NAWAWI”. Resultado de ungranesfuerzo que esperemos que sirva de modo de aprendizaje ydifucion.Debemos hacerlo llegar al máximo número de personasposiblesincha-allah.En esta aplicación, vamos a tratar de arrojar algo de luzsobreuna cuestión vital en el islam, serán los cuarenta hadicesmásimportantes del profeta que (La paz y la bendición de dios seanconél), recogidos por el imán An-Nawawi (Que allah lo tenga ensugloria).Antes de finalizar esta presentación, quiero desearlesunalectura amena y un aprendizaje fructífero. No nos olvidenenvuestras oraciones, hermanos.Finalmente, quiero aprovechar para agradecer a todas laspersonasque hicieron posible este proyecto, a todos y todas lasque hanpuesto su granito de arena para que todos podamosdecir:“Al-hamdoli-Allah por la bendición del islam”.Fi aman allah.Fdo. Hicham Hajaj Jbari.Bismi allahal-Rahmanal-Rahim al-salat wa wa al-salam ala achrafi Mohammadal-morsalinsayeduna salaa alayhi wa salaam.Dear brothers and sisters, welcome to the Bismi allahal-Rahmanal-Rahim al-salat wa wa al-salam ala achrafi Mohammadal-morsalinsayeduna salaa alayhi wa salaam.Dear brothers and sisters, welcome to the implementationof"Forty Hadith of an-Nawawi Magnet". Result of an effort thatwillhopefully serve as a learning mode and difucion. We do reachasmany people as possible incha-allah.In this application, we will try to shed some light on avitalissue in Islam will be the forty most important hadith oftheprophet (peace and blessings of God be upon him), collected byImamAn-Nawawi ( May Allah rest his soul).Before the end of this presentation, I wish you an enjoyablereadand successful learning. Do not forget us in yourprayers,brothers.Finally, I want to take this opportunity to thank everyonewhomade this project possible, each and all who have put their bitsowe can all say, "Al-hamdoli-Allah for the blessing of Islam."Amanullah Fi.I sgd. Hicham Jbari Hajaj.
Mobile Battery Saver (Plus) 6.1.12
Humo Negro
don't worry i have solution ?with this wonderful app you can save life your battery. It's FREEin market, just download and install it in your phone.Mobile Battery Saver :) its like a Battery Doctor saver 2015 Prowith beautiful theme for your eyes, is an energy saver that canprolong the battery life up to 50% by finding applications andenergy settings on your device.. believe me you need to tryit.Mobile Battery Saver are free apps that help save battery power forAndroid systems. It can help you save battery power at the touch ofa button. With its many features, including power consumptionranking, memory scrubbing and background task shut-down, you caneasily change the battery saving mode and extend battery life.Join150 million users on Android and iOS who have seen thebenefits!Show Stats battery easily (details as temperature, voltage,technology, health and usage). See the percentage of remainingbattery in your status bar, and easily optimize your device whenneeded.Just click on the "maximize" button to optimize the battery fast.Conserving battery power is achieved by erasing the RAM memory.Please keep in mind that the time of the bore battery isevaluated.Mobile Battery Saver 2016 is Battery Saver a simple and elegantapplication that will help you follow the current batterypercentage on your Android device, such as battery savertools.With Mobile Battery Saver, every time and everywhere you will knowif your battery has enough to play a game, a movie, or to browsethe web.The battery is user interface as simple as possible, butextremely convenient.** Main characteristics **⦁ - Turn off unnecessary applications that empty yourbattery!⦁ - Brightness control!⦁ - Processor Management (Mobile Rootes)!⦁ - Battery temperature!⦁ - Tips for recharging!⦁ - Easy to use interface!⦁ - Task Killer kills tasks with a single click!⦁ - Stop applications when the screen is off!⦁ - Precise remaining battery time!⦁ - Recharge time remaining accurate!⦁ - Planning the power saving mode for work / class / during sleepand more!⦁ - Single recharge system in 3 steps!⦁ - Wifi on / data / Bluetooth!⦁ and More*** CHARACTERISTICS ***⦁ - Battery Saver is incredibly light!⦁ - Additional information on the battery temperature, voltage,health.⦁ - Task Killer kills tasks with a single click!⦁ - Schedule power saving modes for work / class / sleep andmore!⦁ - Displays battery information in percent (%).⦁ - Turn off unneeded applications that drain your battery!what are you waiting for ! download it now It's FREE InMarketEnjoy Mobile Battery Saver 2016 it's super power for power Free for Your Phone Android.and i hope to love it
Detector de Personalidad prank 1.0
Humo Negro
Ríase de sus amigos para que hagan pensarqueesta aplicación puede detectar si son inteligentes o tontos,belloo feo, popular o friki, divertido o aburrido, impresionanteohorrible.La aplicación del detector de Personalidad simula un escánerdehuellas digitales y sólo está encaminada a divertirse, tomarunasrisas con tus amigos. Esto no es un detector de huellasdactilaresverdadero / escáner, solamente una simulación!Memorice las respuestas en el menú de configuración yluegoescanear el dedo. La aplicación va a responder de acuerdo alaconfiguración. Si nada se estableció, las respuestasapareceránaleatoriamente.No lo tome en serio, esto es sólo una broma!Make fun of yourfriendsto do think that this application can detect if they aresmart orstupid, beautiful or ugly, popular or geek, funny orboring,awesome or awful.Application Detector Personality simulates a fingerprint scannerandis only intended to have fun, have a few laughs with yourfriends.This is not a real detector / scanner fingerprints, onlyasimulation!Memorize answers in the setup menu and then scan your finger.Theapplication will respond according to the setting. If nothingisset, the answers appear randomly.Do not take it seriously, this is just a joke!
Piano King Game 1.5
Humo Negro
HOW TO PLAY:Click black piano tiles that appear on screen and avoid theblueones.Play in 5 different modes:1) Classic mode - Play a single song in the leasttimepossible.2) Arcade mode - How many black tiles can you tapbeforegameover?3) Zen mode - How many black tiles can you tap in 10 seconds?4) Bomb mode - Make sure you don't hit the white andredtiles.5) Free PlayInternet & network state permission is asked for ads.HOW TO PLAY:Click black piano tiles That Appear on screen and avoid theblueones.Play in five different modes:1) Classic Mode - Play a single song in the Leasttimepossible.2) Arcade mode - How many black tiles can you tapbeforegameover?3) Zen mode - How many black tiles can you tap in 10 seconds?4) Bomb mode - Make sure you do not hit the white andredtiles.5) Free PlayInternet & network state permission is Asked for ads.
Hill Rider King 1.0
Humo Negro
Hill Rider King is a arcade game. The carmustclimb and racing on hill. It's very dangrously.Some features:- Control your car to climb hills with most realistic control- Various cars and to choose from- Upgrade ENGINE, TIRE, SUSPENSION, ROTATION, GAS POWER, 4WD,etc.for your cars.- 10+ challenging levels- 3 infinite maps to play repeatedly with your cars and bikes- different scenes in countryside, forest, volcano, desert,mountainand caveStart the Hill Rider King game now!Play the most addictive physics-based car racing game.Game Genres: fast games, car games, extreme road trip,drivinggames,...
Corre y Salta 1.0
Humo Negro
Corre y Salta es un divertido juego de correrysaltar para conseguir premios.- Facil de jugar pero divertido.- Salta una vez o salta doble!- Es Gratis!.- Agarra las estrellas brillantes para subir tu puntuacion.- la dificultad aumenta!- El poder de volar ya esta disponiblecorre corre, salta y vuela!Run and Jump is a funrunand jump to get awards.- Easy to play but fun.- Salta jump once or twice!- It's free!.- Grab the bright stars to increase your punctuation.- The difficulty increases!- The power of flight is now availablerun run, jump and fly!
Humo Negro Collage 1.0
Humo Negro
Humo Negro Collage le permite crearincreíblescollages con tus fotos, divertidas pegatinas, fondos,texto confuentes frescas.Humo Negro Collage le ayuda a combinar varias fotoscondiferentes patrones de trama y rejillas de fotos,luegocompartirlos a la vez!Humo Negro Collage paquetes de un diseño simple con unpotenteeditor para darte todo lo que pudo, y el collage de susfotos a serincreíble!Características principales:- Más de 100 tipos para elegir!- Fácil de cambiar los colores de la frontera, BG y patrones!- Gestos táctiles simples para rotar, cambiar el tamaño- Muchos de los antecedentes y pegatinas para elegir!- Fácil de añadir texto o pegatinas!- Un completo editor de fotos incluido!- Fácil de usar interfaz de usuario- Filtros de FX Photo increíble- Compartir en red socialBlack smokeCollageenables you to create incredible collages with your photos,funstickers, backgrounds, text with fresh supplies.Black smoke Collage helps you combine multiple photoswithdifferent hatch patterns and grids of photos, then share thematonce!Black smoke Collage packs a simple design with a powerfuleditorto give you everything he could, and the collage of picturesto beamazing!Key Features:- More than 100 kinds to choose from!- Easy to change border colors, and patterns BG!- Simple touch gestures to rotate, resize- Many of the background and stickers to choose from!- Easy to add text or stickers!- A complete photo editor included!- Easy to use user interface- Filters amazing FX Photo- Share in social network
Flappy Hero Game 1
Humo Negro
Amazing Flappy Hero Game, help the heroflywithout crashing by tapping on the screen.You get crashed, no problem, you can keep flying till your livesarefinished.
Ninja Jumper Play 1.0
Humo Negro
Ninja Jumper Play is a fast, hard andsupperaddictive game. It lead you enter a fantastic worldwithemotion.As a Ninja you need jump up and down to get throughdifferentbarriers. Forward running is the only way to keep yourlife.Just a second stop, the darts which keep after you will killyou.And take care about the route, a little oversight need youstartagain.Features:- Simple but fun one touch arcade game- Story mode, 34 different levels- Endless mode, enjoy the fun more- 4 different worlds- Fun ending
breaking bricks King 1.5
Humo Negro
breaking bricks King is a reconstruction ofaclassic game with a twist modrno. will make you enjoy anewexperience. many displays and many challenges.the game is simple and easy: you have to go by destroyingthebricks with the iron ball. but beware! You do not have to lettheball fall down! move the platform to prevent hidden for you after each screen gifts. It isamazinggame.after the end of each challenge, you can share yourpunctuationand your screen with your friends on socialnetworks.I hope you liked the game .. a greeting.
Puzzle 2048 Game 2
Humo Negro
The most addictive mobile version of 2048gameand almost perfect 2048 game for Android!Explore deep challenge your mind!-- game instructionsSwipe to move the tiles , when two tiles with the same numbertouch, join into one.When a 2048 tile is created, the player wins.[ Game Features and advantages against other clones ]+ The only game version in Google play which works on almostallAndroid devices from 2.3.3++ Slips work entire area of the screen+ High Score Board+ You can keep playing to get high scores after winning (gotamosaic of 2048 )+ The implementation of the Android version more smoothly !+ We are listening+ Frequent game improvements based on your feedbackEnjoy the game!
Guide of London city 1.0
Humo Negro
Guide of London city, all service inyourmobile..
kids puzzle 1.0
Humo Negro
the original and beautiful puzzles for kids!Ifyour child loves puzzles then this is the game for them.Puzzles range from 6 to 8 pieces, and you can even changethedifficulty. Make your toddler happy while having thempracticetheir shapes, problem solving, and hand eye coordination!Puzzlescover a huge range of options, including animals, dinosaurs,cars,trucks, princesses, and more.Perfect for kids, children, and toddlers who need a funandentertaining puzzle game to play.This free download gives your kids 10 puzzles to try for free.Asimple in-app purchase unlocks all puzzles!
Maths Addict Game 4
Humo Negro
Maths Addict Game can make you freaking mad!- You have only one second to choose correct answer- Reach high score!!!- Beat your friends!!!Can you do maths very fast?This is game with nice graphics and funny sound.Try now!How to play?- Answer the question in only 1.5 second.- Reach the highest score!Tags: freaking math, math game, game of math, fast math
Humo Negro
Zombie Fighter Game is the latestzombieshooter action game about zombies super cool that we wanttointroduce to you. In 2210 the world was devastated by onevirusthat turns humans into zombies. And you are the only personleft inthe world, you have to kill the zombies fighting to rebuilda newworld. Experience the latest version zombie shoot any of youdear2015In Zombie Fighter game you will have to fight with thezombiesdifferent corps and this is a war without end. Let's fightto gainlife for themselves. In the game you will kill the zombies,earngold coins to upgrade weapons and ammunition. Up to 18differentweapons for you to use the latest zombie shooter in 3d.ZombieFighter game is drawn with a combination of classic adventureandbreathtaking action.Attractive features of Zombie Fighter:- Weapon Systems diversity of 18 different categories, such assaws,flamethrowers, swords Katana ...- Simple gameplay zombie shooter but have depth- Tactical zombie killing 3d jet, using reasonable moneyupgradingto destroy furniture or turned into zombies.- Rescue those who are alive, and you kill the zombies inghostzombie shooting game.- Download zombie shooting game freeSuper cool zombie killing game on Android can not be ignoredbyengaging gameplay, diverse number of weapons. Download Nowanyplayer!
واتـس اب بلس الازرق الجديدJOKE 1.0
Humo Negro
هل تحلم بإضافة العديد من المزاياللواتس-آبالخاص بك ؟ هل تريد إضافة ألوان جديدة و خلفيات متميزة فيمحادثاتك معأصدقائك و عائلتك على الواتس-آب ؟ هل تريد إضافة أيقوناججميلة وثيمات واتس اب لهاتفك ؟كل هذا سيتم حله بفضل تطبيقنا الجديد واتس-آب بلس الأزرقالجديد.يمكنك هذا التطبيق من إضافة العديد من الخصائص الجديدة و الأصواتالتيتجعل الواتس الخاص بك مختلف و مليئ بالمزايا الحصرية و المتميزة.كمايوفر لك تطبيق واتس بلس الجديد من إرسال الصور و الفيديوهاتبسرعةكبيرة تماما و دقة عالية.المميزات العامة للتطبيق :* واتس اب بلس الأزرق الجديد* ثيمات الواتس-آب* سرعة في الإرسال و تلقي الرسائل* واتس بدون أنترنيت* آخر إصدار* واتس اب بلس الأزرق آخر إصدار 2017تنويه :هذا التطبيق عبارة عن مزحة أو ما يعرف ب PRANK, هذفه المزاحمعالأصدقاء و العائلةهل تحلم بإضافة العديدمنالمزايا للواتس-آب الخاص بك? هل تريد إضافة ألوان جديدة وخلفياتمتميزة في محادثاتك مع أصدقائك و عائلتك على الواتس-آب? هل تريدإضافةأيقوناج جميلة و ثيمات واتس اب لهاتفك?كل هذا سيتم حله بفضل تطبيقنا الجديد واتس-آب بلس الأزرقالجديد.يمكنك هذا التطبيق من إضافة العديد من الخصائص الجديدة و الأصواتالتيتجعل الواتس الخاص بك مختلف و مليئ بالمزايا الحصرية و المتميزة.كمايوفر لك تطبيق واتس بلس الجديد من إرسال الصور و الفيديوهاتبسرعةكبيرة تماما و دقة عالية.المميزات العامة للتطبيق:* واتس اب بلس الأزرق الجديد* ثيمات الواتس-آب* سرعة في الإرسال و تلقي الرسائل* واتس بدون أنترنيت* آخر إصدار* واتس اب بلس الأزرق آخر إصدار 2017تنويه:هذا التطبيق عبارة عن مزحة أو ما يعرف ب PRANK, هذفه المزاحمعالأصدقاء و العائلة
واتـس اب بلس الازرق جديدprank 1.0
Humo Negro
هل تحلم بإضافة العديد من المزاياللواتس-آبالخاص بك ؟ هل تريد إضافة ألوان جديدة و خلفيات متميزة فيمحادثاتك معأصدقائك و عائلتك على الواتس-آب ؟ هل تريد إضافة أيقوناججميلة وثيمات واتس اب لهاتفك ؟كل هذا سيتم حله بفضل تطبيقنا الجديد واتس-آب بلس الأزرقالجديد.يمكنك هذا التطبيق من إضافة العديد من الخصائص الجديدة و الأصواتالتيتجعل الواتس الخاص بك مختلف و مليئ بالمزايا الحصرية و المتميزة.كمايوفر لك تطبيق واتس بلس الجديد من إرسال الصور و الفيديوهاتبسرعةكبيرة تماما و دقة عالية.المميزات العامة للتطبيق :* واتس اب بلس الأزرق الجديد* ثيمات الواتس-آب* سرعة في الإرسال و تلقي الرسائل* واتس بدون أنترنيت* آخر إصدار* واتس اب بلس الأزرق آخر إصدار 2017تنويه :هذا التطبيق عبارة عن مزحة أو ما يعرف ب PRANK, هذفه المزاحمعالأصدقاء و العائلةهل تحلم بإضافة العديدمنالمزايا للواتس-آب الخاص بك? هل تريد إضافة ألوان جديدة وخلفياتمتميزة في محادثاتك مع أصدقائك و عائلتك على الواتس-آب? هل تريدإضافةأيقوناج جميلة و ثيمات واتس اب لهاتفك?كل هذا سيتم حله بفضل تطبيقنا الجديد واتس-آب بلس الأزرقالجديد.يمكنك هذا التطبيق من إضافة العديد من الخصائص الجديدة و الأصواتالتيتجعل الواتس الخاص بك مختلف و مليئ بالمزايا الحصرية و المتميزة.كمايوفر لك تطبيق واتس بلس الجديد من إرسال الصور و الفيديوهاتبسرعةكبيرة تماما و دقة عالية.المميزات العامة للتطبيق:* واتس اب بلس الأزرق الجديد* ثيمات الواتس-آب* سرعة في الإرسال و تلقي الرسائل* واتس بدون أنترنيت* آخر إصدار* واتس اب بلس الأزرق آخر إصدار 2017تنويه:هذا التطبيق عبارة عن مزحة أو ما يعرف ب PRANK, هذفه المزاحمعالأصدقاء و العائلة